Friday, March 8, 2013

Indicators to check if an email from an employer/recruiter is a fraud/scam mail:
If you have not heard the name of the company before, search on Yahoo, Google or MSN to see if the company has a genuine website. Also check if other people have reported that the employer has been involved in job scams previously.
If the mail asks for your personal, non-work related information such as Credit Card numbers or Bank information over phone or email.
If the mailer has used free email IDs to contact you or as 'reply to' email IDs.
For example, if you get a job offer from XYZ Petroleum Company, and their email ID is or then it is most probably a fake company. Real companies use their own domain name on their email, and do not use free email providers.
If the 'reply to' email ID is different from the 'from' email ID
If the contact telephone numbers are mobile phone numbers
If the mailer asks for money-transfers, or payment for any employment/recruitment related purpose, such as immigration and visa processing, travel etc.
If it offers jobs without a face to face interview
If the mail offers jobs you have not applied for
If it offers unrealistic amounts of remunerations/benefits

  Before you respond to such emails, we strongly recommend you do a discreet enquiry and verify the legitimacy of the employer.